Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Hey guys. Well its April and its Sexual Assault Awareness Month. So if you are on twitter please follow the following organizations that have to do with Sexual Assault:
-The Joyful Heart Foundation by Mariska Hargitay @TheJHF @Mariska
-Rainn @RAINN01
- National Sexual Violence Resource Center @NSVRC
- Natasha's Justice Project  @NatashasJustice

The Following are people who are either survivors or supporters and are also spreading the word on Sexual Abuse:
@OnlyWithConsent, @teri_hatcher73, @NatashasJustice, @NatashaSimone, @KadeeStrick @TeamStrick @Char_Coop4eva

And i have many more on my twitter page if you want to help get involved. Please help these organizations to spread the word on violence on women and children and even men. Lets end the silence. Lets end the abuse. Lets help people speak out and get help they deserve.

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